Richmond council for an FOI request around Escooters and Free floating ebikes
December 7, 2021
CitiesCompaniesWe asked Richmond council for an FOI request around Escooters and Free floating ebikes for micromobility news.
We have copied the answer to the FOI request below:
Request for Information - LBR2021/1214 - E-bikes and e-scooters
I refer to your request for information received on 16/11/2021. Please see the information below in response to your request: -
Our Response:
I am doing research on commercial free floating ebikes and e scooters in the Borough.
Q: 1)Please can I have a list of companies who applied for a right to park ebikes along with escooter licenses From 01/01/2020. Irrespective if they were successful or not.
A: The Council is participating in the London E-scooter Rental Trial. The procurement process was managed by Transport for London and we do not have a list of the companies that applied to participate in the trial. The successful applicants were Lime Technology Ltd, EMTransit Ltd (‘Dott’) and TIER Operations Ltd.
For e-bike hire, the Council carried out a selection process in 2019 and has entered an agreement with Lime Technology Ltd.
Q: 2) Please can you forward me the total complaints from the 1/1/2020 for the free floating e bikes and scooters.
A) There have been 74 complaints relating to the e-scooter rental trial since it began. They have been received by email and via TfL’s online platform. There may be some duplication.
The Council has recorded 4 complaints relating to dockless e-bikes, all relating to inconsiderate parking.
Q: 3) Please can I have this broken down into the company name and type / description of the complaint. Plus any geographical information.
A) There have been
34 incidents of e-scooters parked outside the designated locations. 5 reports of anti-social behaviour (e.g. late night noise) 6 complaints about the scheme or e-scooters in general 7 complaints about the location of parking bays 2 complaint about operator noise at night 5 reports of underage riding 18 reports of dangerous riding including riding through red lights, pavement riding, tandem riding (Numbers do not total 74 as some complaints included more than one issue)
By postcode, the following numbers of complaints were received:
SW13 – 2 complaints
SW14 – 40
TW9 – 15
TW10 – 2
TW1 – 8
TW13 – 1
The locations relating to complaints about dockless e-bikes are SW14, SW13, TW9 and TW11