Redditch Escooter micromobility extends
December 7, 2021
CompaniesPolicyRedditch e-scooter micromobility trial extended despite concerns over 'irresponsible' use.
Redditch became the first UK town to publicly trial Bird's e-scooters last year. Starting in 2020,t he trial, launched jointly by the borough council Bird, expanded for the second time earlier this year and encompassed several more neighbourhoods.
The trial has now been extended to March 2022 and beyond.
While this has some opposition from local residents the council are quite optimistic.
Redditch Borough Council leader Matt Dormer said: “This further expansion is really exciting for people living in the east and southwest of the town.
“Bird is helping us all to think twice before jumping in our cars, which is helping to reduce congestion and improve the air quality for everyone in Redditch.”
Some residents are unhappy with today's news, with Lynn Read saying: "They should be banned.". Acoording to the local newspaper Birmingham Live.
The paper also reports:
Mary Dolby said earlier this year: "I don’t know if they’ve worked for users but they look a mess just dumped anywhere on pavements, sometimes a trip hazard."
"I live in Redditch, and we have lots of them left in the middle of pavements, dumped in bushes and some vandalised," Rachel Franklin added. "They are becoming a big problem, especially for the elderly."
Amanda Harris said: "Some kids are totally irresponsible with them and ride two to a scooter, and no helmets or anything.
While it would seem that this council is more forward thinking than most.