Shared Mobility Conference 2021
December 8, 2021
CompaniesPolicyWe had the privildge to attend The Shared Transport Conference 2021, which will took place online this year on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th December. Organised by the CoMo charity.
The charity for the public benefit of shared cars, bikes, e‑scooters and rides
The event was free to attend and is made up of 8 carefully curated sessions, along with the latest developments in shared transport through a range of perspectives. Including micromobility.
They examined what initiatives have emerged in 2021 with bike, car, e-scooter, lift share and DDRT as it interacts with the need for a green recovery, climate change, the built environment and health.
More will follow.
More about CoMo:
CoMoUK runs accreditation schemes for car club and bike share operators. Providing assurance to local authorities on an agreed set of standards expected by operators when providing these micromobility services.
Along with promoting the mobility hub concept.
The mobility hub is an emerging concept which is being used to create space designed specifically to house public, shared and active travel modes alongside other facilities including all of the micromobility.