Neuro Micro Mobility survey shows traffic reduction
November 12, 2021
CompaniesA handy survey shows what all of us here already know. Lets hope policy makers start to take note.
A survey of e-scooter riders in Newcastle has found that a third of the trips on the micromobility vehicles operated by Neuron Mobility replaced car journeys.
Founded in Singapore in 2016 by Zachary Wang and Harry Yu. , the company’s CEO and CTO respectively. While operating in several cities with their distinct livery.
With the micro mobility trials in U.K. cities, with the Department for Transport monitoring their use. With The Secreatory of state Grant Shapps hdiding behind the trails. While despite the fact the use of privately-owned e-scooters is now a common sight in U.K. cities. Esstienitally excellent criminalising traffic reduction tools.
The Survey
More than 1,400 passes for NHS and emergency service staff have been issued by Neuron in the city. with key workers taking around 13,000 free rides to date.
“The e-scooters are helping boost the local economy with an impressive 61% of all rides in Newcastle having resulted in a purchase at a local business,” claims a Neuron Mobility statement.
In partnership with Newcastle City Council, Neuron uses GPS-enabled geofencing technology to control where the e-scooters can and cannot be ridden and parked, and how fast they can travel in slow-zones, no-ride zones and no-parking zones. Similar to what Bird has brought out.
Neuron's Rapid Geofence Detection (RGD) system will work with HALT to quickly recognize when an e-scooter rider crosses a geofence.
Rather than an audible warning or automatic go-slow manoeuvre actioned in six to 12 seconds Neuron claims that its RGD technology kicks in within 0.3 seconds and bring the E scooter to a halt.
“HALT and RGD can almost instantly detect and control riding and designate precise smart parking locations,” said a Neuron's statement, claiming that this was the “Holy Grail” of e-scooter tech.
“Many e-scooter operators and city transport managers have been searching for this." Said the company statement.
“Used together with a range of new multi-function sensors and a new proprietary vehicle operating system, these features also facilitate the world’s first Dangerous Riding Detection (DRD) system, which allows us to correct or warn of unsafe behaviors in real time,” continued the statement.
What is ironic is that while micro Mobility E scooter operators deploy high tech safety and control features. The car industry continues to get a free reign with far less safety features allowing the car to be in our urban environment.