Micromobility provider Voi launches environmental dashboard
October 29, 2021
CompaniesMicromobility provider Voi launches environmental dashboard
Voi’s in-app impact dashboard is added designs to raise awareness of the environmental impact of different mobility choices.
Allowing riders to make more sustainable and informed transport choices.
To inform riders about the CO2 emissions and air quality impact of their journeys.
Allowing riders to make more sustainable and informed transport choices.
Allowing carbon neutral e-scooters or e-bikes for their accumulated journeys.
Including the emissions produced across the full life cycle of the E scooters from production to end-of-life recycling.
According to Voi’s life cycle assessment (LCA), conducted by EY, the average Voi scooter ride emits 29g CO2 equivalent per passenger-km of life cycle emissions compared with 184g per passenger-km emitted by a passenger car.
s verified by transport modellers at University College London’s MaaSLab.
The data set on the dashboard includes: each user’s ride data; car replacement rates collected from Voi rider research; official emission factors for other transport modes;
Voi’s CO2 and PM2.5 equivalents emission factors based on an LCA which analysed the cradle-to-grave environmental impact of Voi’s service
Voi’s portfolio of verified carbon offsetting projects.