Micromobility parking in smart buildings
January 15, 2022
CitiesOne of the issues for micromobility in the urban environment is the lack of adequate and intelligent parking for these new personal transporters. Inclduding electric scooters, Ebikes and cargo bikes.
The Background:
The emergence of micromobility as an industry brings huge benefits to various building stakeholders. With the reduction of the need for car parking while improving the transportation provison of the building.
For building owners, micomobility tech brings new property value, allowing them to attract better tenants and charge higher rents.
Its not uncommon to see in London suited young professionals on either Ebikes or scooters in the morning commute. Its these future leaders that smart buildings need to encourage with micromobility provision.
We know E-bikes are a excellent competitive alternative to driving a car because they are faster snd easier than mechanical bikes allowing for long-distance cycling. Plus providing low cost ubitqutious mobility similar to a car without the huge cost of running.
While cargo ebikes allows for larger loads and in steeper terrain making goods transport easier. This opens up the access to micromobility to a wider part of the building occupants.
Smart building provision for these micromobility can further encourage along with helping towards the net 0 carbon emissions of the building.
While safe bike parking has been a well deployed solution the rise of micromobility adds a new dimension to the built environoment.
To consider the new standard for micromobility in these smart building:
what would micromobility parking in the smart building entail:
Power to charge the personal transporter for the return jorney.
Possible battery swap solution.
Physical safe and ordered parking.
The likihood is the smart parking will be in the basements with less natural light available.
Wash facilities
Adriana Eskenazi Grabulosa along with m2 (Marta Peinado & Maria Beni) in Barcelona have re imagined how this would look.
While below ground car parking is an excellent place to provide the micromobility provision. Often with ramps for the original car use. The wide basement space is already deployed for parking.
Wall of battery swapping for the smart building: