Ebike growth and councils
April 9, 2022
CitiesIn the past week, one council has announced an ebike partnership with three micromobility providers. Further proof that the ebike strategy is the growth story of micromobility here in the UK.
Floating dockless ebike rentals in london are the real growth story. Councils and Micromobility firms know it.
Hammersmith and Fulham council in west london banged out three partnerships with Dott, lime and HumanForest respectively.
Helping the council reach net zero targets and providing mobility solutions to the businesses in the borough.
Ebike partnerships are so much simplier to deploy than an Escooter fleets. Much of this is for historical and legal reasons.
With good communications with the council who provide the operetor with a right to park.
Both Humanforest and Dott e-bikes in London operate under the same model of repairs, maintenance and logistics will be handled in-house by specialist staff. While Lime outscource a lot of their collection and management.
While HumanForest has a more numaced business model.
Humanforest offer unique advertising-led revenue model, whereby consumers receive an advert from partners before and after using a HumanForest eBike.
This allows customers to ride for free for 10 minutes each day and costs £0.15 per minute thereafter.
The background to dockless Ebikes in london:
Every since Olo bikes back on 2017 deployed locking fockless ebikes with an app to London.
Rendering the market for what was to come next.
Along came Ubers jump bikes in 2019 and Limes first iteration of their ebikes. Green machines that seems quite unstable. Jump aka Uber invested into Lime in 2019 and gave the bright red Jump bikes fo lime.
Lime now have over 4000 electric ebieks ib london.
The Escooter firms realised that the Ebikes were more palatable to UK users. Dott joined lime along with HumanForest and Tier.
Tier, earlier this year has gone onto to buy the operator behind UK council's bike rental operations. Giving Tier an excellent route into council partnerships for ebikes and the inevitable Escooters.